Highly interesting Twitter threads to revisit from time to time

I find myself revisiting highly interestign Twitter threads. Here is a list of the most interesting threads sorted by topics …

Machine Learning

Critical ML topics for the coming 3-4 years by @soniajoseph_. The replies to the thread are insightful.

@ericmander on “Foundation models are the new public cloud and AI is the new SaaS”

@jobergum on bad ML experiences caused by ML batch systems

Great thread on light weight Python setups to deploy ML models by @simonw This replies to this tweet offer a number of interesting options.

A thread on way embedding are a pain in the *** by @mlopscommunity Great thread about embedding and the hidden complexity.

A thread about real time ML by @mlopscommunity


Great thread by @GoAbiAryan on papers around ML system designs.


Advice on good pitch decks by @wallstreetpaper